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5 ways wellness programs boost recruiting & retention efforts

Feb 27, 2020 (0) comment

Taking better care of ourselves has become a top priority for Americans. In fact, among those who made a New Year’s resolution for 2020, wellness was a huge theme. Exercising more, eating healthier, losing weight and reducing stress were among the top five resolutions, with getting more sleep and spiritual growth also in the top 10.

That’s why, in a competitive hiring market, offering wellness programs that allow employees to achieve their health and fitness goals is becoming a must-have when it comes to attracting and retaining talent. Employees know there’s more to life than working nonstop and that taking better care of themselves can actually make them more productive and valuable to their employer — and they’re looking to employers to support that effort.

Nearly 90% of employees consider health and wellness packages when choosing an employer, and more than half of Gen Z and millennials consider wellness programs important or extremely important in the job decision. As a result, offering wellness benefits is becoming a crucial recruitment tactic.

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